Game Regulations
-------------------- Guidelines --------------------
(02.10) Random Deathmatch
02.10 Killing players with no interaction or for no reason when no scene was initiated before the killing is classified as Random Deathmatch (Sanction 4).
02.11 Mass Random Deathmatch (RDM) is not allowed. This means killing more than 3 people without a valid reason is prohibited. (Sanction 9)
02.12 Staff RDM is prohibited. Killing staff for any reason is not allowed. If you have an issue with a staff member, report them instead do not kill them. (Sanction 7)
(02.13) Unrealistic Driving/GTA Driving
Unrealistic driving is prohibited. You must drive realistically no running into poles without roleplaying them, no going over rocks, and no going over big hills without roleplaying the damage to your vehicle. (Sanction 3)
You must follow speed limits. It's okay to slightly exceed the limit, but not excessively. Driving 100 MPH in the city is not allowed; maintain realism. (Sanction 2)
(02.14) Useless Police Pursuits
Starting dumb and not needed pursuits is prohibited. You must have a reason to run away from the police. Running away from the police for no reason, such as a bolo, expired license, illegal things, etc., is prohibited. (Sanction 3)
(02.15) New Life Rule
New Life Rule: After you have been killed, you are not allowed to return to the scene you died at within the period of 30 minutes. Returning to the scene after you have been killed is not allowed. (Sanction 2)
(02.16) Unrealistic Avatar
You must not wear an unrealistic avatar. Your avatar must remain realistic; no floating head, having just one leg, etc. Everything on your avatar must be realistic. (Sanction 1)
(02.17) Fail Roleplay
02.17 If you are tased two times, you are not allowed to get up and flee; you must lay down. If you are hit with a beanbag once, you are not allowed to get up; you must lay down and comply. (Sanction 4)
02.18: You must roleplay crashes if you collide with another player or if another player collides with you. If no EMS is available, both parties must agree to void the crash by interacting with each other. (Sanction 3)
02.19: When being placed in cuffs, you must accept detain regardless of the scene. If you feel like the arrest is false, you have the right to call for a supervisor. If they fail to get a supervisor, call for a mod. (Sanction 5)
02.20: If a player points a gun at you or threatens your life with a melee, you must comply with them. You can't run, pull out your gun or melee, or phone, or anything. You must comply with what they say. (Sanction 3)
(02.21) Interupting Scenes
Do not interrupt or get involved with scenes you weren't involved in from the start. For example, if your friend is getting pulled over and you weren't there, you cannot interfere with that roleplay scene. (Sanction 3)
(02.22) Abusing Vehicles
You must not slant or glitch your vehicle in any way here. It must be a realistic, non-glitchy vehicle you are using. (Sanction 1)
(02.23) EMS Available
If EMS is available, you must not use your respawn button. Instead, click the 'Call EMS' button. If they don't respond within 2-3 minutes, then you can respawn. (Sanction 1)
(02.24) Joining the server while SSD
Joining the server is only permitted when it is fully up and a session message is visible. Entry is not allowed during server downtime or while an SSU poll is in progress. (Sanction 2)
(02.25) Member Disrespect
Member toxicity and disrespect are not allowed. You must remain respectful to all players in our community, regardless of the scene, event, or interaction. (Sanction 4)
(02.26) Bypassing/Breaking ToS
Bypassing cuss words and violating any of Roblox's terms of service are prohibited and will result in a permanent ban. This should not be done. (Sanction 10)
(02.27) Goverment Teams
02.27: You must use our custom uniforms and liveries; you aren't allowed to use default liveries or uniforms. They must be provided by us. (Sanction 1)
02.28: Impersonating any team by claiming you are whitelisted for that specific team or division isn't allowed. (Sanction 4)
(02.29) Breaking Safezone
Abusing or breaking safezone, such as using the safezone to avoid being killed in a gunfight or killing other players within the safezone, is strictly prohibited. (Sanction 3)
(02.30) Crime/Group
02.30: Mafia groups are limited to a maximum of 4 members. Groups exceeding this number are not allowed. (Sanction 1)
02.31: Two or more people must rob the jewelry store or bank with you. You cannot rob it by yourself. (Sanction 1)
02.32: DUI and drug roleplay are allowed. However,you must roleplay this at your own risk, and you must not specify a drug. (Sanction 10)
(02.33) Staff
02.33: Impersonating staff by using staff liveries, wearing staff uniforms,or falsely claiming to be part of the staff team is strictly prohibited. (Sanction 5)
02.34: Staff disrespect is not allowed. Being rude or disrespectfulto staff is prohibited. Treat staff with the same respect they show you. (Sanction 4)
02.35: Leaving to avoid punishment is not allowed. For example, if you RDMed in front of a staff member and the staff member goes to cuff you, and you leave the game, that's considered LTAP. (Sanction 9)
02.36: Staff evasion isn't allowed. If staff is talking to you, you must not run away, respawn, or do anything to avoid them. You must let them talk with you. (Sanction 5)
02.37: Feel like you were unfairly treated by a staff member? Open a staff report ticket, and we will take care of it. Leave it to us.
This is the list of banned weapons and vehicles for civilians. Banned weapons and vehicles for departments are listed on the department rules page
Last updated
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